Dear All,
Firstly, let me express gratitude to the European Commission that put faith in our Gasvessel Project and decided to provide it with the funds necessary to develop the proposed research tasks.
Secondarily, but not of minor importance, I want to convey my appreciation to all the thirteen Partners of the Gasvessel Consortium that, since the proposal phase, have shown enthusiasm and goodwill for the success of the initiative.
Even if some Partners will start working for the project later on, according with the Work Plan, in the course of these eight months I had the opportunity to appreciate the efforts, care and responsibility put by the Partners engaged in the achievement of the foreseen goals of this first period. Consequently, thanks to:
- CHC, VTG, SINTEF and ESTECO for the efforts given to the achievement of MS1, producing a really good job;
- PNO for its continuous and punctual experienced support;
- CNGV and BMPlus for their activities devoted to the design, material testing and creation of the experimental tests pilot line;
- NAVALPROGETTI staff that is supporting me in my coordination activity and proceeding with the CNG ship design, and the realization of the Pilot line.
Not to forget, special thanks to Ms. Renata KADRIC, our Project Officer that, with comprehension and perseverance, guided us in matching EU requirements.
Based on all above, I remain confident that, among the already demonstrated spirit of cooperation, our Gasvessel Project will proceed full ahead on a fair path, helping all of us to hit our targets with mutual satisfaction.
Loris COK, Navalprogetti
Project Coordinator