Compressed Natural Gas Transport System
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CNG Ship design completed

NAVALPROGETTI, the leader of WP1and WP5, has successfully developed the CNG ship designs and engineering plans and completed on time. The ship functional design and engineering is complete and are currently under the Class approval (Partner ABS).

The documentation is under ABS review, which will be completed by M46 of the Project). The letter confirming the conclusion of Milestone 6 ‘Functional Ship Design ready’ was submitted to the project officer in May 2020. Following the studies that have been carried out, two ship designs were developed:

  • Model A – This model ship has a net delivery capacity of 12,4 MNm3 along with side loading/unloading arrangements ( first design in below figure).
  • Model B – This design has 9,3 MNm3 net delivery capacity maintaining the side loading/unloading arrangements, as well as bow loading/unloading and dynamic positioning (second design in the below figure).
Figure 1: Model A and Model B shown respectively in the first and second design of the graphic.

Figure 3: The full ship design.

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723030.